• Neural Stem Cells

    NSC 1: The NSCs were isolated from human olfactory bulb and were expended in vitro. They were transfected with green fluorescent protein (GFP), and nerve growth factor (NGF) genes.

  • Spinal Cord Injury

    SCI Rat Model 2: Under aseptic conditions, a T7-T8 laminectomy was performed. The dorsal two-third of the SC is transected with microscissors. Rats (n=20) were rcieve transplants of NSCs (100 000 cells in 2 ul).

  • Parkinson’s Model

    PD Rat Model 3: 6OHDA PD model (n=20) were performed by stereotaxic injection of 6OHPD in the striatum. The PD models were assessted by amphetamine rotation test.

  • Alzheimer’s Model

    AD model 4: Iboteinic acid AD model (n=20) were performed by stereotaxic injection ofIboteinic acid in the hippocampus. The AD models were assessted by Morris Water maze test.

  • The wider objectives of the present project are:

    • Establish stem cell lab in Mansoura University.
    • TOT for PI about the most recent sophisticated genetic and molecular biological approaches.
    • To isolate NS/P cells from olfactory bulb.
    • To optimize the culture conditions, methodology and techniques for OB-derived NS/P cells.
    • To identify genes responsible for differentiation of OB-derived NS/P cells.
    • To demonstrate the gene expression profiles for subtypes of OB-derived NS/P cells.
    • Test the efficiency of cell-based therapy with OB-derived NS/P cells for treatment of spinal cord and CNS injuries.
    • To test the efficiency of cell-based therapy with OB-derived NS/P cells for treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.