- Figure 1
- Figure 2
The mesenchyme is primitive embryonic connective tissue from which all other connective tissue types are derived. It consists of primitive mesenchymal cells that have an irregular, stellate shape with delicate branching cytoplasmic processes that form an interlacing network throughout the tissue. The extracellular material consists of non-sulfated amorphous ground substances with no fibers.
The mucous connective tissue is found in many parts of the embryo especially under the skin and in the umbilical cord “Warton’s Jelly”.
In adults, it is found in omasal laminae and in the comb and wattles of the chickens. It consists of large stellate, fibroblasts with branching and anastomosed cytoplasmic processes. Few macrophages and lymphoid cells are also present. The ntercellular substance is rich in mucin and contains thin collagenous fibers which increase with age.